Male Genital Hair Removal – Stuff you Need to Know


Category : Male Pubic Hair

Male genital hair removal is catching on these days. After years of being considered as primarily a female beauty thing, it’s finally okay to come out of the closet and admit “I have a shaved penis!”

So what exactly is going on here? Why has male genital hair removal finally caught on?

If you ask us, it comes down to, well, all the girls walking around with a shaved vagina. The look and feel of the Brazilian is great in bed, and that’s double so when it’s coupled with a Bald Eagle. When you have hairy pubes, each one works like an antenna or a cat’s whisker, stimulating the nerves underneath. When you get the pubic hair out of the way, though, you wind up with nothing but pure skin-on-skin contact, touching those nerve endings to other nerve endings.

It’s just plain better to couple shaving vagina with shaving your penis. That’s all there is to it. Sex is just more rewarding for everyone involved.

Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of guides out there on shaving your balls. Heretofore, men have mostly refered to shaving bikini line guides and simply applied that to the ol’ family jewels. However, there are a few details you might not find in those guides…

Pull your Scrotum Tight

When you shave your face, you can press against the flesh and bone underneath to get a firm, close shave. Not so with the beans and franks. Pull all the skin tight to create a smooth, flat surface for shaving, otherwise you’re going to wind up with a strange, half-shaved, half-hairy sort of look, and that’s not exactly the sexy look and feel you were after, is it?

Attention to Detail!

The male reproductive organs are sort of… tricky. They change shape and size at will. You need to be sure to keep looking around every corner, look in every nook and cranny to make sure you don’t have any pubes hiding from you.

Use Moisturizing Gel or Foam

Sure, moisturized creams aren’t as manly as soap and water, but do you want your gonads to look like a kid with bad acne? Of course not, so swallow your pride and use something that’ll be cool and gentle on Little You. You need to moisturize!

Look Carefully to See Where the Hair is Pointing

Shaving bikini lines, you always know how to shave with the grain: Downward, but the male reproductive organs, again, are tricky when it comes to where the hair is hiding and where it’s pointing. Look carefully, and then get into the genital hair removal.

Shaving Bikini Line? Here’s What You’ll Need


Category : Bikini Hair (For the Ladies!)

When shaving bikini line, you should know that you can’t just jump on in with soap and water unless you want dry, irritated skin. You’ll want to take a few bucks and splurge on some nice, luxurious shaving products.

It’s not like you need to spend a fortune, but here are some products you’ll want to get for shaving bikini line…


We all have our own preference for razors, but you probably want to use something moisturizing for this job. Or, there are certain products you can find like razors and clippers specifically built for shaving vagina.

If you use the traditional disposable razor, just make sure to use a fresh, new one, preferably with a moisturizing strip.

Gel, Foam and Cream

Whichever you prefer, just make sure it’s moisturized. Don’t grab your boyfriend’s plain old colgate, use something nice.

We like the scented ones, ourselves. Fruit scented foams are popular, but for our money, there’s nothing like a nice vanilla scent to gently get across the idea of freshness and cleanliness.

Moisturizing Lotion

We’re not sure whether or not we’ve emphasized the importance of moisture well enough here, so one more time: You need to moisturize! You’re going to experience dried, irritated skin if you don’t keep yourself soft and moisturized through the process.

You can use whatever moisturizer you have on hand, or if you like, look for one that matches the scent of your shaving gel!

New Clothes

Some new panties or bathing suits, anything you’ve always wanted to try on but never did because you were afraid of playing vagina hair peekaboo with strangers at the beach.

Take a few bucks, head to your favorite clothing store and pick out something just a bit skimpier than you’re used to wearing in the summer. When June rolls around, you can throw it on with no fear of anyone thinking you have ZZ-Top held hostage.

A Full Length Mirror

For two reasons: One, it helps to make the job a bit easier when shaving. Two, you’re going to love looking at yourself naked, and at the end of the day, that’s all that counts.

Something to keep in mind: You shave yourself for yourself. Shaving vagina is not for your boyfriend or husband or significant other, it’s for you. You do it because you think it makes you sexier, you feel better, you look better, and you enjoy sex, cool breezes and, you know, “quiet time” all that much more.

Don’t go with shaving bikini line for anyone else, do it for you.

7 Reasons to Get Rid of Hairy Pubes!


Category : Pubic Hair Removal

So what is it about hairy pubes that has everyone’s panties in a bunch these days?

Well… they’re kind of icky!

How you prefer to style and groom yourself is your own personal choice. Maybe you like the brazilian waxed look, or maybe you prefer something you just like a nice, trim bikini shave (“a little off the top, barber!”). Either way, there are dozens of reasons to treat the hair down there with the same sense of style you apply to the hair on your head. These are just the top seven reasons to get rid of them ol’ hairy pubes…

7- You’ll smell nicer!

Let’s break the ice by being as blunt as possible right from the start: Thick wooly hair traps odors! And… that’s not entirely pleasant…

6- You’ll feel sexier

How many times have you heard the words “sexy” and “hairy pubes” used in the same sentence? We’re willing to bet that the sentence preceding this one was the first.

5- Styling is fun

You don’t have to go for the Mister Clean, Brazilian waxing look or anything. You can always go for a cool bikini shave look, like a star, a heart shape, or anything you might be able to come up with when you’re feeling creative! Get a sketchbook and see what cool designs you can imagine, the sky is the limit!

4- You’ll look better at the beach

We’ve all done the “tuck away”, right? You know, you’re at the beach or the pool and you suddenly happen to look down and… Well you get the idea. Keeping yourself trim and neat is a great way to end those games of “hairy pubes peekaboo”.

3- You’ll develop a new appreciation for a cool breeze

If you’ve ever tried a really short haircut and liked the way the wind brushes against your scalp, it’s kind of like that when you step out of the shower.

2- It’s not that much of a hassle

Really, it’s not. A quick shave or trim daily or semi-daily and you’re good to go. Bikini waxing is a once-a-month ordeal, and Brazilian laser hair removal can get rid of unwanted hair permanently after a few treatments. It’s not that hard a thing to work into your daily shower routine.

1- No way to put it delicately: SEX

During intercourse, hairy pubes kind of work like a cat’s whiskers. They stimulate the nerve endings on the skin. If you’re worried about losing that aspect of sensuality… well, imagine how good it feels with direct skin to skin contact. Not to mention, “trips down South” are more pleasant for all parties involved when you cut down on the risk of rugburn.

Now hopefully nobody’s too grossed out or anything, but let’s be honest, you kind of know what you’re getting into clicking a link about hairy pubes…

Jo Brand’s Mrs Thatcher Pubic hair Joke is OK


Category : Pubic Hair News!

COMIC Jo Brand has been cleared by the BBC Trust over a gag in which she claimed “Lady Thatcher” sounded like a pubic hair removal device.

The body also decided not to uphold complaints about 52-year-old Jo’s quips about incontinence which she made on the same QI show earlier this year. One viewer claimed the jokes were ageist and sexist.
Controller Jay Hunt said the comments were not poking fun at the former Prime Minister, just her name, and the jokes about incontinence were deemed as “editorially justified”.


Lack of Pubic Hair Prevents Flashing Conviction!


Category : Pubic Hair News!

AN ALLEGED flasher from Flintshire has been found not guilty because he did not have any pubic hair.

The man’s bald pubic area was the central piece of evidence in the trial of Matthew Smith, alleged to have dropped his shorts and exposed himself to a woman outside his home in Mold.

The woman told magistrates that she saw a lot of pubic hair.

But Smith pleaded not guilty and said she was clearly mistaken – because he did not have any.

Magistrates at Wrexham heard how Smith had said the same thing in his police interview.

Brian Cross, defending, told how police officers had actually examined him and later confirmed the claim.

Magistrates returned and found him not guilty of a charge of exposing his genitals outside his home at Maes y March in Mold on the morning of November 11

Smith, 30 was on bail at the time for two sets of public order offences involving neighbours.

He is awaiting sentence for those after pleading guilty.


So you Want to Learn how to Shave your Balls…


Category : Male Pubic Hair

Everyone knows how to shave the triangle, but how to shave your balls? That’s the kind of thing that only trained professionals can do, right?


In five short steps, we’ll teach you how to shave your balls like a pro! No nicks or scrapes, no razor burn, no bumps no nothin’! Just clean, smooth, baby bottom balls in ten minutes flat! Nut up and read on!

Step One- Get yourself a warm wash cloth

Pubic hair is kind of coarse and tough. If you’ve ever tried shaving the ol’ knapsack before and wound up with red bumps or irritated skin, it’s probably because you just jumped right in with the foam and razor.

What you want to do is take a warm wash cloth, soak it in hot water for a couple minutes, and then apply it to the family jewels for a couple more minutes. This softens up the Short’n’Curlies for an easier, closer shave with less irritation.

Step Two- Use your girlfriend’s shaving foam/gel

The plain white lather you use on your face is great for beard hair, but trust us, you want something moisturizing for the ol’ wedding tackle. You may want to borrow one of her razors, too. And by “borrow”, we mean make sure to grab a fresh one, and then don’t give it back to her because she’s not gonna want it.

Step Three- Pull the skin tight

This one’s kind of a no-brainer, right? You pull the skin on your face tight when you shave, well you want to do the same thing if you want to learn how to shave your balls the right way. Otherwise you’re going to get a weird, uneven shave, and, if we can coin a phrase here, a “scrot-tee” just looks silly.

Step Four- Take your time!

The scrotum is probably the trickiest part of the body to shave because… it’s all skin. No muscle or bone underneath to keep it firm, no nothin’. So take your time, don’t rush it, and for heaven’s sake, be careful! If you can only get a centimetre at a time, so be it. Don’t worry, you’ll get quicker the more you practice.

Step Five- Do it daily, but skip a day

If you shave again the day after your first Mister Clean, you’re going to irritate the fresh skin that had theretofore been protected by a layer of lush, luxurious hair. You may be in a hurry to keep practicing now that you know how to shave your balls, but take a day off or you’ll wind up with those nasty red bumps.

So two days after, and every day or every other day after that, you’ll want to do it again, because when it grows back, it itches. Think of it like a five o’ clock shadow rubbing up against your tallywhacker all day (so if you change your mind, be prepared for a day or two of your buddies making fun of your constant ball-scratching while the hair comes back in).

So there you have it! If you follow all these instructions, you should now be a pro when it comes to knowing how to shave your balls! Good luck and godspeed!

Best Bikini Wax Tips


Category : Bikini Hair (For the Ladies!)

So you got your hands on the best bikini wax on the market, you’ve opened your web browser to a handy how-to guide, and you’re ready to go the distance, as they say. Well, before you begin, just know that bikini waxing is an art, not a science, and chances are you won’t find everything you want to know in a single how-to guide.

So below, we’ll list a few of the best bikini wax tips to keep in mind before you get started. These should help you get a smoother look with less discomfort.

7- Pull the skin tight

This is absolutely necessary for a smooth finish. Think of it like pulling weeds from the garden. You don’t just grab and yank, you have to get a good grip around the base of the plant. That only works on the bikini hair if you pull the skin as tight as you can. Get your significant other or a very, very close friend to pull the cloth while you hold tight.

6- Clip and trim beforehand

The ideal length for bikini hair removal with wax is about one quarter of an inch. This lets the wax get a good grip.

5- Keep the tweezers handy

As we said, bikini area hair removal is an art, not a science, so know beforehand that it’ll probably leave a few stragglers behind. Each little pinch and pluck is going to come with a bit of a sting, but if you want a completely clean, hairless look, no pain no gain.

4- Keep some Advil handy, too

…Or whatever painkiller you might prefer. Tylenol, Aspirin, Jack Daniels. Whatever you like. Some waxers prefer to apply a numbing agent beforehand. If you want to go that route, just make sure to read the instructions and warnings carefully, as not all are safe for application to the bikini zone.

3- Yank the cloth quick

Like pulling a band-aid. You don’t want to sit there peeling it off an inch at a time, you need to just grab and yank. It’ll sting, but you might as well get it over with, so gather up your courage (or liquid courage, if you opt for the Jack Daniels) and give it a good strong pull.

2- Be ready for a little bit of redness

The initial redness and swelling goes away in less than an hour, but you might be sore for a bit longer than that. So if you are, just know, you didn’t do anything wrong, you didn’t break it, you just need to spend the rest of the day relaxing.

1- Try shaving, first

You get the same look with less pain. It’s more of a hassle if you want to keep the Brazilian hair look permanently, but if you’re just trying it out for the first time, try shaving your vagina, and then go shopping for the best bikini wax you can find.

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